Well, it's quite a change from Bangkok. We've arrived in Berlin to experience a nice cool day of 1 deg C, which is a bit of a change from Bangkok. After we had checked in to the Berlin YHA, we headed up to Potsdamer Platz, to have a look around. It's quite famous as part of the newer development of Berlin since the fall of the wall. The Christmas decorations in the centre are quite amazing.

We had a look around the development, went into the shopping centre, and then went around the Motion Picture Museum, which was all about the German film industry. There were some great displays, and a very large area devoted to Marlene Deitrich. A lot of the information needed background and context, however some films like Fritz Lang's Metropolis, are very well known.
Anyway, that kept us out of the rain for a couple of hours. Back to the YHA for dinner (Spaghetti, goulash, salad and dessert for 6 Euros).
As well as getting used to the colder weather we also have to get used to the prices. A can of coke isn't 20 Baht (60 cents AU) - now it's more like 1.5 Euro or $AU2.25), so things will be a lot more expensive from